Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Mermaid Blankets Continued

So after i made my sister the mermaid blanket i had lots of people asking for them so here are some of the ones i have made.

I'm a pretty slow crocheter so each one took me about 13 hours but aren't they just lovely!Hope everyone is having a good day and i will show you more of my projects soon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Mermaid Blanket

My younger sister had asked for a mermaid blanket that she had seen on one of the websites she visits frequently so i absolutely had to make her one for Christmas! It took me while but the outcome and her reaction were worth it.If you're looking for the pattern it's here. I made mine medium size since my sister is taller than i am.
My wonderful fiance modeling it
It's a pretty straightforward shell pattern that if you have a basic understanding of crochet shouldn't be too difficult. 
It looks great all finished!

This blanket has sparked a trend to learn crochet among my family and friends which makes me extremely happy!