Monday, January 19, 2015

Chevron Baby Blanket

Yes, it is finally done! The chevron knit baby blanket is complete and it turned out pretty awesome!
 It took me about two weeks to complete working on it with an hour a day set aside to knit. The colors were picked out by my sister in law and they will match the color for her little ones nursery.

It was my first time doing a mitered decrease but once i did a couple of rows it was so fluid and natural that i could knit this while watching tv or talking. I did not block it before taking the pictures (too excited) so you will have to forgive me.

I got the pattern from this link you work the front side of the blanket as specified and then the wrong side is all purled.
Try it out and have fun with the colors you pick! I know i want to make a full size one in the future it was so fun to knit!

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