Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Crafts of Easter Past

So Easter has passed us by and although i have nothing new knit (say that five times fast) I do have some cute easter creations that turned out pretty well.
Thanks to pinterest i found these awesome dyed deviled eggs from Real Mom Kitchen and had to give them a try! I used the teaspoon vinegar and five drops of each food color (the yellow was just regular yellow but the pink and blue were neon food dye). They had to soak for about ten minutes to actually look colored enough because i tried sooner and they just looked really gross and tinted. They turned out great and were gobbled up within minutes, guess I have to make more next time!

I didn't really have an outfit for easter this year since it has been busy so i decided to dress up my nails instead!
I based them off the Playin With Polka Dots nails from the Nails By Kayla Shevonne blog. Of course i saw them on pinterest and thought they would be awesome! I had some pastels lying around that (mostly) matched so i took my dotting tool that i use for painting and gave it a shot. Most of the colors i used were Sally Hansen which tend to dry quickly so i had to work fast. 

Give the eggs and nails a try not just for easter but any holiday just by changing the colors! 

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